Our MAL branch's front page has been redesigned to optimize use for future implementations. Also the banner of our blog (this one) has been redesigned; even though it's but a small change, it's still a change. There's a lot more work cut out for us but we hope we can bring them all to fruition soon enough as celebration for the New Year..!
To-Do List:
- The forums have been flooded with spam and is now subject to reorganization or a new fresh and clean slate if needed.
- The website is in drastic need of updates and might be subject to removal depending on what we think works best as sources for information. By removal; we imply changing it into nothing but a portal which redirects people to the the appropriate location(s).
- Gaming branch is going to be added as soon as we can, especially with some new upcoming games in 2011 for which we have planned to station ourselves on.
- New member cards are currently in development for the MAL branch; as the old system/cards are starting to clutter us from the rest of the tasks we have to do. One big change in the new cards as that we won't register the member's ID numbers anymore which makes it a lot easier to maintain.
That is all for now..
From me and the club, we wish you a Happy New Year!
~ Da Ferizo
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