Well, I finally managed to work up a new and custom layout for our blog; which is sort of an indication that we'll be opening our doors in the near future. Of course this also mean the opening of lots of other locations which we had reserved and are stationed on. As the first post in this blog prior to our 'release date' I'll sort out a list of some of these highlights you can expect from us.
Groups/Locations Opening:MyAnimeList
MMOSite - Link Inbound
Animeshin Forum:
Maintenance/Renovation Inbound
Member Cards/Signatures:
Hosted on our Forum and MAL Club
Weekly/Monthly Anime Newsletter:
Distributed through our Forum and MAL Club
Inbound Community Games:
Steam Platform Games
Future Possibilities:
YouTube Channel
Animeshin Subbed Episodes
..and that's all for now folks..!
I might have overlooked/forgot a few features, which will be added to the list as soon as I can recall them. ^^;
~ Da Ferizo